Curated By Vienna | Gallery Festival 2021 | Handpicks From Munchies Art Club

curated by gallery festival vienna, handpicks from the galleries: gallery kandlhofer Rachel maclean artist
Curated by Vienna: Spotlight Rachel Maclean at Gallery Kandlhofer | Feed Me | 2015 | Video still | Courtesy of the artist

This is the curated by Vienna article for 2021. To learn more about the upcoming Curated by Vienna Gallery Festival 2024, follow the link below:

Curated by Vienna: The Ultimate Guide for the Gallery Festival, An Art Lover’s Paradise
Join us from September 14 to October 19, 2024, for Vienna’s premier curated by - gallery festival, celebrating this year’s theme: “Untold Stories.”

curated by top destination gallery: Lisa Kandlhofer presents a solo project by Rachel Maclean
Spotlight Rachel Maclean at Gallery Kandlhofer | Feed Me | 2015 | Video still | Courtesy of the artist
gallery zeller van almsick, curated by festival program with performance agency, esben weile kjaer artist
Gallery Zeller van Almsick | Curated by The Performance Agency | © Esben Weile Kjaer | 2020 | Photographer Philip Messmann

curated by, vienna, gallery festival, logo, program
Discover the Art Festival Vienna 2021

The contemporary art fall season in Vienna is about to start and we strongly recommend you visit the annual Curated by Gallery Festival in Vienna. 

The Curated by is taking place from 4. September - 10. October 2021. 

Each year the participating galleries invite International curators for their program to offer art lovers, collectors and art enthusiasts something special. 

Two Cannibals Were Eating A Clown When One Turned To The Other And Said, „ Does He Taste Funny To You?“-Richard Prince's "Untitled (Joke)" (2011)

This years focus lies in exploring the boundary between comedy and tragedy.

25 galleries are presenting their conclusions. 

The Munchies Art Club presents the top 5 you should definitely visit.


Our team has selected the following 5 when reviewing their press releases, they impressed us with their interpretation of this years motto „Comedy and tragedy“.

But do take the time to visit and explore them all. Follow the festival's Instagram page so you don't miss a thing! We are definitely very excited, we expect to laugh, be amazed and touched by what’s to come!

vin vin gallery, vienna and there program fall 2021, with frieda toranzo jaeger
Curated by gallery Festival: Vin Vin Gallery with Artist Frieda Toranzo Jaeger | Allegorie auf die Geschichte nach Sappho | 2020 | Oil on canvas | 80 x 198 cm / 31 1/2 x 78 in | Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin

Vincenzo Della Corte, founder of the Gallery VIN VIN VIENNA, is an amazing personality we were lucky to meet at the Spark Art Fair.

He has invited the curator Francesco Tenaglia who invited the artists J. Parker Valentine, Isabella Costabile, Zac Langdon-Pole, Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Shaun Motsi under the exhibition title „Eureka!“

“Laughter Is The Corrective Force Which Prevents Us From Becoming Cranks.”  Henri Bergson

The Exhibitions refers to the french philosopher and nobel prize winner for literature, Henri Bergson.

Bergson belongs to the small number of major philosophers to have addressed in depth the topic of laughter and the comic as its source.

curated by vienna, gallery festival isabella costabile, artwork, exhibition view, vin vin gallery
Vin Vin Gallery during the Curated by festival with Artist Isabella Costabile | Untitled | 2021 | Image: courtesy of the artist


Francesco Tenaglia is a critic and a curator. Artistic Director of Sgomento Zurigo exhibition space in Zürich, he is currently serving as part of the curatorial and research team at Museion (Bolzano) and he is professor of Art Theory and Criticism at Nuova Accademia d’Arte (NABA) in Milan.

exile gallery at curated by with black feminist works by tanoa sasruku
Tanoa Sasraku | O' Pierrot | 2019 | 8mm film | Image courtesy Exile gallery

The Exile Gallery caught our attention with an exciting position at this year's Spark Art Fair. For Curated by they chose to broaden our horizon in comedy.

Cindy Sissokho curates the show for Exile Gallery and has invited the artists Autumn Knight, Mona Benyamin, Rosa-Johan Uddoh, and Tanoa Sasraku.

“This is a love poem“ questions the perspective of the black feminist side and how far the black body was fed by colonial imaginaries in comedy over the years, through inappropriate, representations, roles and caricatures.


The curator, was born in Paris, France and lives and works in the UK. She focuses on decoloniality in the arts and Global South epistemologies and artistic practices. 

She studied Cultural Mediation at University Paris 8, France (2014), including a year Erasmus studying at Panteion University in Athens, Greece and a Master’s in Cultural Events Management (2015) at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. 

kostis velonis art works at gallery martin janda
Kostis Velonis | Untitled (Boulders on a Slope) | 2021 | Acrylic, oil, pencil, ink and pastel on canvas | 100 x 100cm | Courtesy the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna

Francesco Pedraglio asks: What has all this to do with art?  A lot! That is why he is presenting two shows. Two exhibitions running parallel to each other.

One visible (with works by 5 artists: Beth Collar, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Sophie Jung, Lukas Thaler, Kostis Velonis), the other invisible (with spoken pieces by writers and artists Bob Kil, Paul Becker, Holly Pester, Luis Felipe Fabre, Sarah Tripp).

The first show silent, the second spoken, one exhibition becomes the shadow of the other, and yet they are both completely interchangeable. 

Like The Two Sides Of The Same Coin, Like Comedy And Tragedy Existing Together, Only Together. - Francesco Pedraglio

Artists: Beth Collar, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Sophie Jung, Lukas Thaler, Kostis Velonis and spoken works by Bob Kil, Paul Becker, Holly Pester, Luis Felipe Fabre, Sarah Tripp

lukas thaler, martin janda gallery, exhibition, what has that to do with art?
Lukas Thaler | A Disguised Form of an Old Toad (D?notsura) | 2020 | Courtesy the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna


The curator is an artist, writer and editor living between Italy and Mexico City.

Francesco Pedraglio is interested in storytelling as a tool to decode intimate encounters with both mundane and historically complex situations. 

curated by phoebe cripps, artwork by rachel maclean, feed me during the curated by festival vienna
Curated by Gallery Festival Vienna on View: Gallery Kandlhofer with Artist Rachel Maclean | Feed Me | 2015 | Video still | Courtesy of the artist.

Gallery Kandlhofer will be presenting a solo show with the artist Rachel Maclean curated by Phoebe Cripps.

Social media channels find popularity through funny videos, turning one mans tragedy into global comedy.

Since forever we have amused ourselves with tragic comedy, proving mankind to be a malicious audience. 


Phoebe Cripps is a writer and curator.

Phoebe Cripps is assistant Curator at the Hayward gallery and associate curator at the flatland projects.

The Game Is Late-Stage Capitalism, And Its Appetite Is Insatiable. Consume Or Be Consumed. Feed Yourself, And Your Dreams. Achieve True Happiness By Sustained Success. Rate Yourself, And Survey Everything You Purchase And Consume, So We Can Continue Improving And Innovating. If There Was A Symbol For This Era, It Might Be The Smiley Face... ( From The Press Release)

Lisa long curates the show at sophie tappeiner with melanie jame wolf, acts of improbable genius
Melanie Jame Wolf | Acts of Improbable Genius | HD two-channel video installation, sound, b/w17:31 min | dimensions variable | Image courtesy Sophie Tappeiner gallery

PUT A SOCK IN IT! explores the relationships between comedy, power, ethics, sexuality, and desire, coming to the conclusion that comedy produces spaces of disidentification, and that it can turn hegemony on its head by never upholding the status quo.

After all, who and what is considered funny or what is seen as humorless is defined by structural hierarchies.

Why is one told to put a sock in it? You’ll either get it, or you won’t.

Participating Artists: Zuzanna Czebatul, Jesse Darling, Reba Maybury, Ebecho Muslimo-va, Liesl Raff, Melanie Jame Wolf.


Lisa Long is a curator at the Julia Stoschek Collection, Berlin. Her last projects at JSC include the exhibition A FireInMy Belly and the year-long program horizontal vertigo.

Longis a co-founder of the feminist initiative And She Was Like:BÄM! and the collaborative project Companion Studies


We present here a small selection, but there are so many more fascinating galleries and curated selections to explore.

Go to the Curated by website, and get inspired, read their press releases, visit the venues and engross yourself in a artistic depiction of tragedy and comedy. 

JOIN and Support!

Share with us your favorite discoveries!

Send us your images and we will post the best ones on our Instagram account! Let’s create a bigger picture!

comedy in art, this years featured topic at curated by festival vienna, munchies art club
Frieda Toranzo Jaeger ... and yet we are becoming, 2019 Oil and fabric on canvas 300 x 150 x 250 cm | 118 x 59 x 98 1/2 in Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin