BEINGS & CREATURES Part 1 at Rotor Graz Center of Contemporary Art

rotor graz art association, kunstverein, graz, austria, top, best space
Böhler & Orendt | “The Spirit of B.U.D.” A Utopian fairytale in 9 works | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club



The Munchies Art Club was in Graz last weekend and visited the Rotor Contemporary Art Association.

On view the group exhibition Beings and Creatures, chapter 1: On damage.

Start of a series of exhibitions under the sign of the “other-than-human” companions.


Böhler & Orendt • Robert Gabris • Stefan Glettler • Paul Lässer • Andrea Palašti • Naomi Rincón Gallardo • Marie Vermont

böhler & orendt, robert gabris, stefan glettler, paul lässer, andrea palašti, naomi rincón gallardo, marie vermont
Böhler & Orendt | Rotor Graz | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club


19.3. – 4.6.2022


MO – FR 10:00 – 18:00, 

SA 12:00 – 16:00

Wednesday till 22:00

Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Dialogic tours through the exhibition for school classes and other groups by prior appointment

munchies art club online art platform, what to see in graz, contemporary art
Böhler & Orendt | Rotor Graz | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

During our visit to Graz everything was perfect, the weather, the food, and the new friends we made all truly inspiring.

We happened to be there on the weekend of the Galerientage Graz and we were excited to visit the Rotor space. 

beyond boundaries, artistic process, general public, free entrance, public space
Böhler & Orendt | Rotor Graz | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

Set a bit off from the city centre but in walking distance, the Rotor art association resides in a beautiful building, that had been abandoned for a long time and turned it into an amazing art space. 

The Rotor Cafe | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

There we were able to meet up with the director Margarethe Makovec who invited us to sit with her in a wonderful blue room amidst the works of the artist Stefan Glettler.

austrian, program, publications, participating artists, being creatures, group
Böhler & Orendt | Rotor Graz | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

Margarethe is quite the personality and full of bubbling energy that rubs off and inspires.

It was an honour to meet her and I think we shall be seeing more of each other in the future.

rotor art association, center for contemporary art, graz, international artists,
Close-up | Böhler & Orendt | Rotor Graz | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

Rotor is an art association in Graz.

Their program concentrates on works that deal with present-day social, political and economic subjects.

 rotor kunstverein graz, gruppenaustellung munchies art club online art platform
The “Personal Unit” by Böhler & Orendt | Video object | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

The content of the works on view ignites discussions and communication induced by the depth of the thematic.

If you are there, take the time to understand what you are seeing. 

There is so much behind the work shown. 

see art, von view, new, what to see, margarethe makeover, anton lederer
Installation "Insectopia" by Robert Gabris | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

Talk to whoever is there from the Rotor team, that already is a joy in itself.

Just by entering their space, you know that this is an open place, a place to come together and exchange in a welcoming surrounding.

common good, contemporary artists, installation, artworks, collectors, visit graz,
Installation "Insectopia" by Robert Gabris | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

Making art happen is their motto.

They reach out beyond their premises, using open space to connect and bring art closer to everyone.

stefan glettler, paul lässer, andrea palašti, naomi rincón gallardo,   marie vermont
Exhibition view Beings and Creatures | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

When we were there, an older lady, confused and looking for a street she could not find, came in. 

Margarethe and her colleague jumped up to help.

broad, central, southeastern europe, solidarity, böhler & orendt, robert gabris
Andrea Palašti „Emil” | Life and death of an Orangutan | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

The air oozes friendliness and a strong neighbourly feeling, and you could sense the relief the older woman felt in a space that reached out to her so kindly.

magazine, view, new, visit graz, what to see, modern, contemporary, audience,
Andrea Palašti „Emil” | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club

The Rotor team is active in its district, pushing urban transformation projects and constructive contributions to living together in their diverse urban district of the Annenviertel.

neighborhood, community building, munchies art club, online art platform
Video installation „Heavy Blood (Sangre Pesada)“ by Naomi Rincón Gallardo | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club


< rotor >

center for contemporary art
Volksgartenstrasse 6a 

8020 Graz, Austria
T+F 0043 / 316 / 688306

beyond boundaries, artistic process, general public, free entrance, public space
Marie Vermont’s series of aquarelles, titled „Allmende“ | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club
present day, produce new works, artists, cooperation, networking, new works,
Marie Vermont’s series of aquarelles, titled „Allmende“ | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club
modern, installation, video, visual arts, social, political, ecological, questions
Paul Lässer transforms the atrium into a bizarre „Front Yard“ | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club
mikael vogel, poetry, photos, images, exhibition, show, contemporary art,
Stefan Glettler's installation | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club
austrian, program, publications, participating artists, being creatures, group show
Stefan Glettler's installation | Image credit @ Munchies Art Club