Contemporary Painting Now: Fanny Brodar | Planetary Objects, Rainbows And Flowers

Fanny Brodar (2021): Dive into the colorful world of a promising Artist of tomorrow. An Interview Series with the Artist in contemporary painting

fanny brodar in her studio in maine in front of an new painting 2023
Munchies Art Club presents Fanny Brodar a promising contemporary artist and painter in her Studio in Maine.


Fanny Brodar is a Norwegian artist born in 1971 in Oslo, Norway. She grew up in New York and currently resides and works in Kennebunkport, Maine, USA.

Important Note: We create another Interview with Fanny Brodar 2024!

You can read the new Interview 2024 with Fanny Brodar here.

Fanny Brodar An Exclusive Interview 2024 | New Insights and Artistic Evolution
Catch up with contemporary artist Fanny Brodar as she shares her inspiring journey over the past few years. From international acclaim and a recent exhibition in Hong Kong to her transformative L21 residency in Spain, Fanny continues to enchant audiences with her vibrant and heartfelt creations.

We discover the Artist on Instagram and for us she is a promising artist you have to follow.

Fanny Brodar is a brilliant contemporary artist who studied illustration and has a BFA from The Art Institute of Boston.

Her background as an illustrator shows in her work.

She is influenced by the playful works of Japanese art, as well as the works of artists like Rose Wylie.

She was born in 1971 in Oslo, Norway, grew up in New York, and currently lives and works in Maine.

She’s been in a few shows, and her work is held in private collections in the US and abroad.

Illustration, art institute of boston, bfa, playful artworks, original, unique
Guns and boots | 121x121cm | 2021


My art is influenced by the playful curiosity of childhood and the simplistic yet expressive characters of artists like Philip Guston.

collect, emerging artist, japanese art, rose wylie, private collection,
Far From Home | 2021 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil pastel on canvas | 50 x 50 cm

I love improvisational theatre, and the way I paint is similar, spontaneously from a thought rather than pre-sketching; this allows the viewer to see hints of my process through exposed pencil marks, paint drips, and deliberate unpainted areas.

whimsical, fantastical imagery and faux-naif art practice, outsider art,
Tic Tac Toe | 2020 | Acrylic, oil pastel, glitter, and oil stick on wood | 50 x 76 cm

I recently rediscovered art after a long hiatus and doing many other things career-wise.

improvisational theater, curiosity, theatre, paint, painting, painter, female
Fanny Brodar| Cmca Biennial | 2020

Starting again at a later stage in life, I feel like I have no time to waste, and I paint almost daily; but truthfully, I paint because I love it.

pencil, works on paper, available, unpainted, drips of color, gifted
The Party | 2020 | Acrylic, oil stick, and oil pastel on canvas | 91 x 91 cm

Although I have been drawing my entire life and have formal education as an illustrator, painting is a new experience for me that was sparked by being gifted an easel 3 years ago.

drawing, imagination, inspiration, martian like characters, online viewing room
Garden in the Middle of a City | 2020 | Acrylic, oil pastel, and oil stick on canvas | 91 x 91 cm

Inspiration for my paintings comes mostly comes from childhood memories, my imagination, and things that are important to me.

yoga positions, painted in bright, bold colors. invisible friend, child
Fanny Brodar| Cmca Biennial | 2020

Currently I’m working on a series of works that feature Martian-like characters posed in different yoga positions and painted in bright, bold colors.

the great gazoo from the flintstones, comical, norway, beekeeper
Yoga Buddies | 2020 | Acrylic, oil pastel, glitter, and resin on canvas | 60 x 91 cm

I fill the backgrounds with things like planetary objects, rainbows, flowers, and words that come to mind in the mid-stage of my painting.

little monsters, online viewing room, featured artist, interview
Fanny’s Garden | 2020 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil stick on canvas | 60 x 91 cm

The Martian evolved from my imaginary friend from childhood (a character who looks very much like The Great Gazoo from the Flintstones).

That character helped me through many difficult times as a child.

artist to watch, emerging, japanese paintings, biennial, rockland
The artist at work in her studio | 2021

I’m a beekeeper, and often include flowers and little monsters in my work.

Yoga and meditation are my daily practice.

Weaving all of these things together, my paintings become like this euphoric tapestry — an otherworldly, and magical place that I dream to be in.

19 Karen contemporary art space, carver hill gallery, art studio
My Nerf | 2021 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil stick on canvas | 60 x 60 cm

In my own little world, I take care of nature in a very Buddhist-like way; I especially love the tiniest creatures, and consider it bad luck to kill bugs.

atelier, work space, young art, abstract artworks, toy, acrylic painting,
Trash Monster | 2020 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil stick on canvas | 60 x 76 cm

Another thing that happened in the last year that had a great influence on my work is the pandemic.

At that point, I was looking for an escape.

childlike, martian, one to watch, show house art call,
Fanny Brodar | Studio

It was winter/early spring here in Maine, which means it was still dark and cold.

I really delved into painting big, bright, and fantastical works.

kid, naive artist, fans b artist, rose wylie, munchies art club
Magical Valley | 2020 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil stick on canvas | 91 x 91 cm

I started getting much more loose and childlike, in many ways reverting back to being a child drawing in my room, approaching the canvas as if it were a big coloring book.

biennial, piece with artist, playful, monster, artlovers, primitive, art exhibition, show,
Fanny Brodar | Green flower monster | 2020

I often start my paintings by working flat on the floor, layering paint, and then drawing and doodling directly on the canvas before I put it upright on stretcher bars or the wall.

contemporary american painting, hand made, online art platform, instagram,
Pink Moonbaby | 2021 |Acrylic, oil stick, glitter, and oil pastel on canvas | 101 x101 cm

Thinking about my childhood bedroom, it was a place filled with imagination and fantasy, just like my current studio — it’s like I can go wherever I want when I’m in there.

featured artist, spotlight, talented, gifted, works on canvas,
In the Studio | Green flower monster | 2021

Also during the pandemic, Instagram became very important to me.

I’m not a fan of social media in general, however my IG page is a digital sanctuary.

visual, transcendental, historical, story telling, interpretative art, impressive, modern
Yellow Flower Monster | 2020 | Acrylic, wax crayon, and oil pastel on canvas | 50 x50 cm

I love the ability to so easily look at others’ art, and to connect with galleries and collectors.

There’s this little group of us that have been following one another since the beginning, and it’s like being in a club, one that’s supportive and encouraging.

playful art, childlike, childhood, simplistic, expressive, philip gusto
I Love You, and I Hate You | 2021 | Acrylic and oil stick on canvas | 121 x 121 cm

When things shut down, we were still active, creating everyday, liking one another’s work, and sometimes privately chatting.

Seeing how others evolve is really inspiring, too.

interview, story, read about, discover, explore, young collectors
Yoko | 2020, | Acrylic, oil pastel, glitter, and oil stick on canvas | 50 x 76 cm


“‘You’re A Woman, So Why Do You Paint So Big?’ ‘You’re Old, You Shouldn’t Be Painting Like That.’ It Was Distinctly Irritating. So Yes, I Certainly Noticed It. How Could You Not? And I’ve Painted Dainty Plastic Ballerinas On Cakes, Because, Why Not? But The Thing Is I Don’t Think There’s Any Hierarchy In Subject Matter. I Think You Can Paint Anything And It’s The Way To Paint It, That’s The Important Thing, Not Your Age, Not Your Subject Matter, Not Your Nationality, And Not Your Gender.” — Rose Wylie
how to collect art, collecting, artworks, unique piece, original
Fanny Brodar | Garden | Selfie
online store, art platform, gallery, galleries, global, exhibition
In the artists studio

