Jean-Robert Alcindor | Contemporary Figurative Painter on the rise !

jean-robert-alcindor promising artist in figurative modern art -> Duel (perdu) au soleil | 2020 | Acrylic on paper | 50x65cm
Jean-Robert-Alcindor on Munchies Art Club Magazine: Artist Spotlight

The contemporary French artist Jean-Robert Alcindor lives in Le Bouscat, France.

He is a psychoanalyst during the day and a compulsive self-taught painter in the evening.

jean-robert alcindor, featured artist, contemporary painting, munchies art club, online platform, viewing room

The contemporary French artist Jean-Robert Alcindor lives in Le Bouscat, France.

He is a psychoanalyst during the day and a compulsive self-taught painter in the evening.

 art brut, emerging artist, spotlight, interview, story,
Self portrait

Cartoonist wannabe in his early youth. One day he swapped his pencils for a guitar and devoted a fair bit of time to music in various surf music and punk rock bands.

In 2018 he bought his first canvas and has never stopped since. His first exhibition is planned for this year in Paris.

contemporary art, figurative, painting, acrylic, canvas
Smoke | 2020 | (acrylic on paper | 42x29,5cm


I live in Le Bouscat (near Bordeaux) in France.

art brut, naive, figurative painting, work on paper, canvas, interview
Salut moi c'est Jean-Luc et toi ? | 2020 | Acrylic on canvas | 50x50cm

I'm a psychoanalyst during the day, a compulsive painter in the evening. My father was a Sunday painter, consequently, I think that was my first contact with art.

For as long as I can remember I've always drawn, all the time, anywhere I could.

work on paper, artworks, original, unique piece, news
Karen | 2020 (acrylic on paper | 48x36cm

I wanted to be a cartoonist. My artistic references at that time were a bit heterogeneous, from Tex Avery (not Disney, Tex Avery!) to Gaugin or Modigliani.

budding, art news, new, top, artist to collect, find art, awesome
C'est l'arbre qui cache l'enfoiré | 2020 | Acrylic on paper| 48x36cm

My first visit to a gallery was Le Centre Pompidou in Paris. I remember that I wanted to live in the gallery forever!

All that artistic effervescence marked a point of nonreturn, I definitely wanted to be an artist.

art platform, online viewing room, exhibition, gallery, yellow cube
A collection of works

When I was 11 years old my parents gave me...a guitar. Ok. I didn't want to play guitar but I gave it a chance.

I played in my first band when I was 18 and in fact, it was the beginning of a great adventure, gigs, tours, some contacts with some majors in the music industry...

Music took a large place in my life while the pencils were in a long standby.

international, french, france, european painter, to watch
Smoking Skills | 2020 | Acrylic on paper | 42x29,5cm

At this moment I began a 5 years formation to work as a psychoanalyst.

At the end of the formation I had to write a thesis, the theme I chose was the cursed artists like Van Gogh, Niki de Saint Phalle, etc...

Like a boomerang, the desire to paint came back, clear and powerful.

bad art, outsider, insta like, art lovers, portrait, self-taught
Artworks on the wall

In 2018 I bought my very first canvas. In the beginning, I wanted to explore abstract painting inspired by Richter.

My Wife, Who Is Always Right, Told Me « Why Don't You Do Figurative Paintings ? ». So, Gradually My Artworks Became More And More Figurative.

I'm a self-taught artist so my apprenticeship is made of mistakes, findings...

music, guitar player, multi talented, canvas, wall art
Katherine | 2020 | Acrylic on paper | 50x65cm

To be a self-taught artist, in my case, means studying great established artists by my own means, such as Francis Bacon, Nicole Eisenman, David Park, Katerine Bradford, Lucian Freud, Picasso of course, Georg Baselitz, to name a few and many more...

francais, artiste, global, community, curated by, special
Artwork on the wall

I created a profile on Instagram and I found a new world, full of talented artists. I know that Instagram doesn't necessarily reflect reality but sometimes you discover inspiring and encouraging people who help you stay in course.

It's a fact, Instagram for the artists remains an important media to make contacts and to show artworks to a large number of people, which would be more difficult without the internet.

So I use Instagram daily, also because I enjoy discovering new artists (If I could I would be a gallerist or an agent!).

sammeln, zeitgenössischekunst, kunst, künstler, kaufen online
Work space

Due to my busy weeks (the day I'm a psychoanalyst, I also work at night, helping disabled persons in their houses), I usually paint in the evening, in the kitchen.

I find inspiration in everything around me, the news, people in the streets, bizarre situations, funny facts. I love bringing to light ridiculous traits of life.

independent curator, curators, international, global, local,
Ball baby | 2020 | Acrylic on canvas | 53,8x80,5cm

And of course, I find inspiration watching paintings, drawings. I digest and I transform.

Painting has become essential to my mental health because I can express feelings or thoughts I can't express classically.

And it's also very interesting to have someone else interpretation of your artwork.

art advisor, institute, autodidact, abstract, established
Kam and Droo | 2020 | Acrylic on paper | 42x29,5cm

I want to paint everyday things in order to involve everyone. I think that art should involve everybody because art is a public interest.

Due To The Covid, We're Living A Transition. Maybe It's The Opportunity To Reconsider Our Vision Of Life.

Communication via the internet is more and more important and represents a new way to circulate art. Visibility has become easier nowadays.

favorite, feature, star, collect, young collectors, interior
Artwork on the wall
Painting Should Be A Way To Educate, To Increase Public Awareness.

My newest projects for the beginning of this year are an exhibition at the Yellow Cube Gallery in Paris (the date is to be confirmed), I will have some of my artworks for sale in a new virtual gallery called New Figurative (Lisbon), and probably another exhibition in Bordeaux (France).

discover, explore, artworks, support, follow, painters
Gone rogue | 2020 | Acrylic on paper | 29,5x42cm

Actually, I work a lot on paper, still trying to capture bizarre and/or funny facts.
