KS Room Styria wit Nana Mandl & Karl Karner

KS Showroom Styria near Riegersburg with an exhibition by Nana Mandl and Karl Karner a collaboration with Paintings and Sculpture love!

KS Room Styria wit Nana Mandl & Karl Karner


Last week we went back home, the back home from my childhood, the southern Styria

I hadn’t been there for a while and I was looking forward to doing all kinds of fun and adventurous stuff. 

One thing I had planned was to go and see the exhibition called Fear of the Missing out in the KS Show Room near a town called Riegersburg presenting Nana Mandl and Karl Karner, both Austrian artists I truly admire and respect. 

nana mandl and karl karner, artists, exhibition called fear of the missing out in styria, ks showroom,

I packed my sister, my son and his younger cousin into the car to offer them a bit of culture in my childhood home and ignoring my brother in laws warning that I would have trouble finding the place we set out and got lost. 

We drove by the space so entranced by our surrounding that even the lettering over the space in large white letters was overlooked, until my son ever the observer called out that we had just passed it again, once more almost overlooked. 

exhibition view, ks showroom, riegersburg, karner
Exhibition View: Nana Mandl and Karl Karner | KS Room Styria | Photo: Ernst Koslitsch

We were literally the only ones there. 

The place was open, and yet no one was there, it was all completely unprotected and it was a very different kind of experience I can assure you.

painting and sculpture now, nana mandl
On View: KS Room | Fear of Missing out | Photo: Koslitsch Ernst

What an unusual environment this was for contemporary art in the middle of corn fields, horses gathering under a tree for shade, pure idilic.

I had thought about contacting Karl Karner via Instagram, tell him I was going  to see the show, mostly because I thought I had caught a glimpse of him riding by on a bicycle just the day before.

contemporary art daily, 2022
On View: Contemporary art in Styria | Artists Nana Mandl and Karl Karner | KS Room Styria | Photo Ernst Koslitsch

We had promised the kids we would visit the Austrian Chocolate temple Zotter after the exhibition, and having noticed the castle nearby, they could not get it out of their heads and their bickering and insistence to hurry up forced me to take everything in in a rush. 

Like a typical tourist, I took my phones camera and took pictures of everything to contemplate later when alone at home

art now, exhibition view, barn, styria near, graz,
Art in a Barn | KS Room | Nana Mandl and Karl Karner | Fear of the Missing Out | Photo. Ernst Koslitsch

The exhibition is on view till the 27th of July, so if you want to head to the South of Styria and visit the Volcano region, eat delicious chocolate, see a castle and take in some culture I can highly recommend it!


The KS Room is a project space in Kornberg near Riegersburg in Styria. On 180m2 near the Kornberg Castle in Southeast Styria, the art space KS Room allows those interested in art to participate in interdisciplinary processes through regular exhibitions.

Founded in 2013 by Karl Karner and Linda Samaraweerová, the space explores experimental visual and performing arts, presenting fresh, dynamic positions between performance, painting, photography and sculpture.

riegersburg area, on view, currently, barn, exhibition contemporary art
Fantastic Surounding | Stunning Landscape and the Vulcano Land Styria | Photo by Ernst Koslitsch