Entanglements: Kogo Gallery’s Bold Statement at Vienna Contemporary

The presentation of Laura Põld and Sabīne Vernere at the 2024 Vienna Contemporary Art Fair by Kogo Gallery showcases the cutting-edge of contemporary Baltic artistry.

Kogo Gallery
Kogo is a contemporary art gallery representing outstanding emerging and mid-career Estonian and international artists of all media.

Through interdisciplinary practice and an intimate engagement with materiality, these artists challenge conventional forms, offering layered, critical discourse.

vienna contemporary, 2024, installation view
Vienna Contemporary 2024: Kogo Gallery, Booth D15, Artworks by: Laura Põld + Sabīne Vernere | Photo by Choreo
vienna contemporary 2024, art fair
Vienna Contemporary 2024: Kogo Gallery, Booth D15, Artworks by: Laura Põld + Sabīne Vernere | Photo by Choreo

Kogo Gallery’s focus on emerging voices from the Baltic region underscores its dedication to nurturing globally conscious yet locally rooted talent.

laura põld artist portrait 2024 at kogo gallery booth d15 at vienna contemporary, photo by albert kerstna
Laura Põld, Artist Portrait 2024, presented by Kogo Gallery at Vienna Contemporary Booth D15. Photo by Albert Kerstna.
Vienna Contemporary 2024
Vienna Contemporary 2024: View from Kogo Gallery`s Booth | Photo by Choreo

Led by visionary founder Liina Raus and curator Šelda Puķīte, the gallery has made a name for itself by addressing contemporary issues like ecofeminism, posthumanism, and identity politics. 

sabīne vernere artist portrait 2024 at kogo gallery booth d15 at vienna contemporary, photo by filips smits
Sabīne Vernere, Artist Portrait 2024, presented by Kogo Gallery at Vienna Contemporary Booth D15. Photo by Filips Smits

Entanglements, their latest exhibition at Vienna Contemporary 2024, brings together the captivating works of Laura Põld and Sabīne Vernere, where the interplay of landscape, body, and material forms the heart of their artistic exploration.

Sabīne Vernere: Tangled Arms (2023)

Sabīne Vernere’s Tangled Arms (2023) masterfully merges the rawness of marble with the delicacy of ink-on-paper, depicting an ethereal, anthropomorphic figure suspended between motion and stillness.

SABINE VERNERE | Sabīne Vernere

The use of monochromatic ink highlights both the sensuality and vulnerability of the figure, while the marble frame introduces a sense of permanence and grounding.

sabīne vernere artwork tangled arms 2023 indian ink on paper marble at kogo gallery vienna contemporary, photo by roman-sten tõnissoo
Sabīne VernereTangled Arms (2023), Indian ink on paper, marble, 63.5 × 45 cm. Presented by Kogo Gallery at Vienna Contemporary 2024. Photo by Roman-Sten Tõnissoo.

Vernere’s work often grapples with the tension between human and non-human realms, exploring themes of gender fluidity and the emotional landscape of the body.

vienna contemporary, art fair, sabīne vernere, installation view, kogo gallery, booth
Vienna Contemporary 2024:Sabīne Vernere, Installation view, Kogo Gallery | Photo by Choreo

Laura Põld: Bird Builds (2018–2019)

Laura Põld’s Bird Builds (2018–2019) offers a tactile exploration of nature through ceramics.

The sculpture’s twisted branches and bird-like forms evoke themes of shelter and care, which are central to Põld’s artistic practice.

Laura Põld With Kogo Gallery, Estonia (Tartu) First Time At Vienna Contemporary Art Fair
Young promising Artist Laura Põld the very first time with her Gallery Kogo from Estonia at Vienna Contemporary Art Fair

By combining traditional craft techniques with contemporary sculptural forms, she delves into posthuman and ecological narratives, reimagining landscapes as spaces of connection and community—both human and non-human.

aura põld artwork bird builds 2018–2019 ceramics at kogo gallery booth d15 vienna contemporary, photo by albert kerstna
Laura PõldBird Builds (2018–2019), Ceramics, 38 × 31 × 4 cm. Presented by Kogo Gallery at Vienna Contemporary 2024, Booth D15. Photo by Albert Kerstna.

Põld’s work reflects a deep engagement with the environment, materiality, and the act of building, both as a physical and conceptual process.

vienna contemporary 2024, laura pold, installation view, kogo gallery, booth
Vienna Contemporary 2024: 008_view from Kogo Gallery_s Booth, Installation View | Photo by Choreo

Kogo Gallery’s Impact

Kogo Gallery’s presence at Vienna Contemporary 2024 is a testament to its unwavering dedication to showcasing artists who challenge and redefine the boundaries of traditional art.

kogo gallery, 2024
Kogo Gallery. Photo by Nele Tammeaid, 2024

By participating in international fairs, Kogo continues to bridge the gap between Baltic artists and global audiences, offering a platform for fresh voices and perspectives.

kogo gallery team at vienna contemporary 2024 with liina raus and šelda puķīte, photo by nele tammeaid
Kogo Gallery team at Vienna Contemporary Art Fair 2024: Liina Raus (right) and Šelda Puķīte. Photo by Nele Tammeaid.

The vision of its founders, Raus and Puķīte, has not only nurtured talents like Põld and Vernere but also ignited important conversations around pressing contemporary issues.

Kogo Gallery
Kogo is a contemporary art gallery representing outstanding emerging and mid-career Estonian and international artists of all media.

We can’t wait to see how Entanglements sparks new connections and conversations at this year’s Vienna Contemporary, Booth D 15!

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