Parallel Vienna Art Fair 2023: Unveiling The Vibrant Contemporary Art Of Vienna!

Welcome To The Vibrant World Of Vienna Parallel 2023, Where Historic Buildings at Otto Wagner Areal, Transform Into Temporary Canvases For Contemporary Art.

Parallel Art fair vienna, munchies art club discovers new faces in contemporary art, like our favorite Carlos Vergara
Discover Parallel Art Fair 2023 at Otto Wagner Areal Vienna | Spotlight Carlos Vergara with his Artist Statement


Experience The Vibrant World Of Contemporary Art At Vienna Parallel 2023, Held At The Otto Wagner Areal. Munchies Art Club Magazine Shares A Two-Part Article That Offers A Curated Selection From Our Team.

Parallel Vienna: The Annual Convergence of Contemporary Art Fair in Austria
Parallel Vienna (2024): Visit the Art Fair between Datum at the Otto Mauer Areal, Baumgartner Höhe with a shitloud full of contemporary art

Parallel Vienna 2024 and a overview about the upcoming art fair

In This Series, We Share The Exhibition Spaces, That Are 'Rooms' In The Context Of Parallel Vienna. As A Special, Two Young Artists Contacted Us, Resulting In A Feature.

otto wagner spital areal, parallel art fair vienna 2023
Parallel Vienna 2023 | Location at the famous Otto Wagner Areal in Vienna

Explore Additionally The Works Of Christian Rothwangl (Gallery Krinzinger) And Carlos Vergara'S Installation Titled 'Room Of Separation.'

Carlos Vergara Presents Room Of Separation At Parallel Vienna As Artist Statement
Carlos Vergara with a stunning Artist Statement on view at this years Parallel Vienna Art Fair

Parallel Vienna: Artist Statement by Carlos Vergara

We immersed ourselves in a world of art spread out in three historic buildings on the Otto Wagner Space.

parallel vienna : PUUUL SPACE | On view Hannah Stipple and Yvonne Kendall contemporary art
Parallel Vienna 2023: Pauuul Space with Yvonne Kendall (D/AUS), Stephen Mathewson (A/USA) und Hannah Stippl (A)

There we marveled at new masterpieces that captured our senses and left us in awe. We were particularly drawn to the promising solo presentations and artist statements, which were brought to life by exceptionally talented and innovative artists.

parallel vienna 2023 with a sculpture by christian eisenberger
Parallel Vienna 2023: ArtistChristian Eisenberger’s statue on its way to its final space | Curated by Stefan Bidner

Additionally, we explored the countless art installations on display, along with galleries, institutions, and an abundance of creativity that made Parallel Vienna 2023 once again worth the visit.

parallel vienna 2023 with works at the sculpture garden curated by stefan bidner
Parallel Vienna 2023: Sculpture Garden Artist Niklas Konstacky is Part of the Sculpture Garden depicts a large sculpture of a popular Austrian Mustard brand.


Munchies Art Club Magazine witnessed once again the transformation of historic buildings into temporary canvases, where art bursts into life through exhibitions, performances, programs, and a plethora of engaging events.

After two events at the Semmelweis Clinic, Parallel Vienna 2023 has now landed in the Otto Wagner Hospital area.

Three pavilions, a sculpture garden, and space for performances, all surrounded by a huge park and a promise of perfect weather.

Austrian Artist and Designer Maria Szakats with her powerful tapistries at Parallel Vienna 2023

As the Munchies Art Club Magazine team, we eagerly approached Parallel Vienna 2023 with a potent mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Maria Szakats brilliant tapestry on view at Parallel Vienna Art Fair

Parallel Vienna 2023, with all its vibrant exhibitions and dynamic presentations, serves as a testament to the vitality of contemporary art.

It's a reminder that the art world is a tapestry of diverse voices, each deserving recognition and support.

Anna Lerchbaumer, installation work, art magazine
Parallel Vienna Art Fair: Artist Anna Lerchbaumer great Booth at Parallel Vienna called: "3 verpasste Anrufe auf Babyphone" (3 missed calls on the baby monitor – Gentle rocking)

The challenge of artist identification, while present, reminds us of the potential for growth and improvement within the art scene.

As art enthusiasts, we should champion artists' efforts to make their work more accessible and their identities more visible.

carlos perez, contemporary painting now
Parallel Vienna: Artist Statement -> Artist Carlos Perez Painting's on view at this Years Parallel | Otto Wagner Areal

We hope that our visit to Vienna Parallel 2023 has shed light on the incredible talent within the art world and inspired both artists and art enthusiasts to continue pushing boundaries and embracing creativity.

Linda Berger: Unveiling A World Of Color, Ink, And The Art Of Concealment With Her Mesmerizing Large-Scale Drawings
Linda Berger’s “It Would Be Quiet If Only A Few Birds Sing Their Song” Showcases The Beauty Of Minimalism, As Her Ink-On-Canvas Works Unveil A Serene Cosmos Within Complexity.

Linda Berger in Focus: REad morę about the Artist ->

Together, we can empower artists to share their visions more boldly and make art accessible to all, ensuring a bright and thriving future for contemporary art.

terese kasalicky galerie3, contemporary art, wall sculpture parallel vienna art fair
Parallel Vienna Art Fair: Galerie3 presents solo statement Terese Kasalicky ( Here on view on the right together with the Gallerist: Lena Freimüller) | Image by Ernst Koslitsch


However, it's worth mentioning a mild disappointment: While navigating the fair, I encountered instances where artist names were missing or identifying the creators behind certain artworks felt like a treasure hunt. 

artist ramsko, irl gallery new york for parallel vienna and daniel richter
Parallel Vienna: It was as always awesome to see a piece by the Artist Ramsko whom we discovered through theIRL GALLERY New York | Daniel Richter Class

In a vast environment with multiple rooms and countless artists to explore across three buildings, sometimes it became impractical to invest extra effort in identifying an artist.

Which is truly a shame.


artist beate gatschelhofer with her contemporary sculpture an art installation for kunsthalle graz
Parallel Vienna with promising emerging Artist Beate Gatschelhofer | Kunsthalle Graz
Artist Christian Rothwangl With Gallery Krinzinger At Parallel Vienna With A Solo Presentation
Christian Rothwangl promising emerging Artist from Vienna on view with his Gallery Krinzinger at Parallel Vienna Art Fair 2023

Special Artist Statement: Christian Rothwangl

artist Sophia Gatzkan with a great new contemporay sculpture on parallel vienna
Stunning work by artist Sophia Gatzkan at Parallel Vienna 2023


otto wagner, historical building, hospital, vienna
Otto Wagner Areal with a sensitive historical History
It's of utmost importance not to forget that these historic buildings bear witness to a dark and harrowing past, where vulnerable youngsters with disabilities were subjected to heinous acts during the Nazi era.

In the face of this haunting history, introducing art and culture into this space becomes a profoundly meaningful undertaking.

This approach not only serves as a means of remembrance and education but also as a way to exorcise the shadows of the past by replacing them with the light of beauty and unforgettable positive events, ultimately transforming a place tainted by darkness into one that stands as a testament to our commitment to a brighter future.

Parallel Vienna Art Fair 2023: Unveiling The Vibrant Contemporary Art Of Vienna
Welcome To The Vibrant World Of Vienna Parallel 2023, Where Historic Buildings at Otto Wagner Areal, Transform Into Temporary Canvases For Contemporary Art.

Read our Part TWO Parallel Vienna ->
